Think And Use Your Mind Rightly

Truth Devotion By Pastor Tom Amanya March 08, 2023

Think And Use Your Mind Rightly Mind Rightly |

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God (Romans 12:2).

Our opening scripture points us to a very important aspect of life; how you think and use your mind. Your mind is like a garden, and your thoughts are like seeds that you plant in them. The major thing to note about the mind is that it is fertile. It will certainly produce anything that’s sown into it, which places on you the responsibility of choosing what you sow in it.

Your mind is an instrument given to you by God to improve your life from glory to glory. You have to see first in your mind the things you desire for your life, and create them. Thoughts are pictures of the mind that have power and create realities. The quickest way to affect your thoughts is through mental pictures.

Every man is the character of his thoughts. Your mind can put you in a place of glory or dishonour. The Bible tells us about Lazarus, a righteous man who was a beggar (Luke 16:20-21). When he died, he was carried by the angels to Abraham’s bosom, but he lived and died a beggar, not because that was his destiny, but because that was his mindset.

If Lazarus had projected himself in faith, envisioning his rich heritage as the seed of Abraham, he wouldn’t have remained poor.

Romans 12:3 says God has given to every one the measure of faith, so it’s about what you do with your faith. Use your mind to focus and project yourself to your next greater level. How do you think? What can you see? What can you see yourself doing? Where can you see yourself going? Use your mind correctly to picture your glorious and victorious life in Christ.

Blessed be God!

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