welcome to truth assembly

At Truth Assembly, we invite everyone, yes everyone, to join us as we fellowship and embrace Jesus Christ the Author and Perfecter of our Faith on our journey of Salvation through life. We have a place for you to feel welcome and be loved.

Let's come and rejoyce in the Lord God (psalms 133:1)

We were created to Worship and Glorify Jehovah God (John 4:23-24)

Come & let us worship God

President of Truth Assemblies International and Senior Pastor of Truth Assembly Church

As Truth Assemblies International a.k.a Truth Assembly, we exist to lead people to Jesus and to the Kingdom of Heaven together fully follow him. As we encounter Jesus and His great love, He does the work on the inside and we are never the same. (2 Corinthians 5:17)

Be part of us as we encounter the loving presence of the Lord through worship and the Fellowship of the Word. We are a Bible based church which means, we believe the gifts of the Holy Spirit which are for the Church today. The Lord still saves, heals and sets people free.

featured Audio Sermons

Listen to the powerful message that will edify your spirit and bring you closer to God.

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So many Spiritual lives of the people are transformed from thier old ways through the word God shared from the servant of the most High Paster Tom Amanya who’s led by the Spirit of God. It is never too late for you, get yourself with the secrets and Kingdom wisdom to overcome and mostly walk in Dominion with Christ Jesus.


recent Sunday sermons

We are so glad you’re here! We would love to see you on Sunday mornings in person at 09AM to 12PM. You can also join us for service online Sundays at 09AM or Wednesdays at 5:30PM. Our prayer is that hope will arise in your heart as you hear the good news of Jesus the Lamb of God!

upcoming events

Get ready for the upcoming Events and be involved in them.




We are so glad you’re here! We would love to see you Sunday mornings in person at 9AM or 11AM. You can also join us for service online Sundays at  11AM or Wednesdays at 6:30PM. Our prayer is that hope will arise in your heart as you hear the good news of Jesus!



The Prophetic Impartation Conference

Don’t miss The Prophetic Impartation Conference, THEME: Tomorrow About This Time…; (2 Kings 7:1) on 5th to 7th Feb 2025. In this Conference, you’ll step up beyond your usual prayer life. You’ll discover that so many Spiritual lives of the people are transformed from their old ways through the word of God from the servant of the most High Paster Tom Amanya(Host) who is led by the Spirit of God. Come and experience yourself with the secrets of the Impartation of the Prophetic Anointing and enter into different realms in the Spirit to overcome and mostly walk in Dominion with Christ Jesus…  Come one come all and be ready to be Blessed.



Worship Experience

Get to experience that warm embrace from God’s presence as you worship in spirit and truth (John 4:23-24). Join us as we fellowship and embrace Jesus Christ the Author and Perfecter of our Faith through Worship

Previous Events

The Prophetic Impartation Conference

This was a 5 days Conference and So many Spiritual lives of the people were transformed from thier old ways and they drunk in the Holy Spirit, and also received a spiritual impartation of the Prophetic Anointing through various ministers of God. Some of them received instant testmonies and miracles. We give all the Glory to God for the great move of God that took place and we believe that this sparked the Revival and the awakening of this generation and the generations to come. Feel free to find our recorded sermons on our YouTube page, thank you for keeping in touch with us and God bless you all.

Next Upcoming Conference

The Prophetic Impartation Conference

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