The Word That We Preach

Truth Devotion By Pastor Tom Amanya August 01, 2023

The Word That We Preach We Preach

And they went out and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming the word through the accompanying signs. Amen (Mark 16:20).

Always, we tell people to preach the Word, because it’s an instruction from the Master. The Apostles preached the Word; Jesus Himself preached the Word. So, we have been instructed to preach the Word as well. However, that someone is preaching or talking about God doesn’t mean he’s preaching the Word.

So, what is the Word? The Word is that message from God that reveals or communicates His works, will, thoughts, plans, purposes and pursuit; to bring men into or promote fellowship with Him in love.

It’s His message of truth with content and power to build His image into the life of the hearers. Its content is the embodiment of Christ’s revelations, provisions, perfections and instructions— profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction or training in righteousness.

This is what Jesus preached; He preached the Word. If the Word Himself would preach the Word, how much more should you and I? Being born again, you’re a minister of the Gospel; you’re called to voice God’s message; the Word is His message that reveals His works, will, purpose and character.

A true preacher of the Word is one who preaches God’s will, God’s thoughts, God’s plans, purposes and pursuits, and constantly brings men into fellowship with God or promote their fellowship with God. The more they listen to you, the more the image of Christ is revealed in them and to them. Glory to God! Be a true preacher of the Word.

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