The Holy Spirit Is The Glory Of Christianity

Truth Devotion by Pastor Tom Amanya April 24, 2024


But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his (Romans 8:9).

Jesus gives a clarification in Matthew 12:43-44 which describes the condition of one who does not have the Holy Spirit. He said, “When an unclean spirit goes out from someone, it goes through dry places, seeking rest, and it does not find it. Then he said: I will return to the house from which I came out; and, when he arrives, he finds it empty, swept and adorned ”(NIV).

The one who is born again but has not received the Holy Spirit has his “spirit” swept and adorned, but empty! As a result, he quickly falls into temptations and into sin. He would be unable to control his sensual appetites or refrain from harm. It is only by the Holy Spirit that you put to death the desires of the body and its carnal desires. “If you live according to the flesh, you will die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live ”(Romans 8:13).

It is impossible to live the true Christian life without the Holy Spirit; in fact, what you will have cannot be qualified as Christian Life. The Holy Spirit is the essence and the glory of Christianity. You could not know God or love Jesus without the Holy Spirit. Christians who do not have the Holy Spirit are vulnerable to Satan, his attacks, his maneuvers and his manipulations.

Without the Holy Spirit you cannot have the character of Christ. Jesus had to have the Holy Spirit. The apostles had to have the Holy Spirit, life without the Holy Spirit is empty.

If you have not received the Holy Spirit, receive Him immediately. Just say, “Holy Ghost, I receive you into my heart now in Jesus Christ’s Name,” Amen.

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