Take Your Prayer Life More Seriously

Truth Devotion By Pastor Tom Amanya February 21, 2023

Take Your Prayer Life More Seriously More Seriously

…The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available [dynamic in its working] (James 5:16 AMP).

When you read James 5:17 and discover that it did not rain on the whole earth for three and a half years, all because of Prophet Elijah, you can’t but wonder at the power of prayer! Not a single drop of rain!

The Bible says Elijah prayed earnestly. 1 Kings 18:42 shows how he prayed; it says Elijah “…climbed to the top of Carmel, bowed deeply in prayer, his face between his knees” (MSG).

The Amplified Version of our opening verse describes this kind of prayer as earnest, and there’s some persistence about it. In other words, it’s a sustained kind of prayer that’s marked by a deep feeling of conviction. It’s a kind where you persist in prayer. You keep pushing!

Jesus did that in the Garden of Gethsemane! He said the same things in prayer, and He prayed that way for an hour. It wasn’t a two-minute prayer. He persisted because he understood the stakes of the moment.

We’re in a similar moment today. The stakes are higher! You’ve got to take your personal prayer life more seriously. Always stir yourself and respond to the call and urgency of prayer from your spirit, declaring the Word and crushing the forces of darkness in the spirit.

It may look like nothing is changing physically, but you keep pushing. You stop when you “know that you know” in your spirit that it’s done! Glory to God! You’ll surely get the note of victory.

Take your prayer life more seriously!

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