Relationship Seminar

Don’t miss a Marrieds & Relationship Seminar, THEME Better Than One; Ecclesiastes 4:9 – KJV, “Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour.“from 09:00 am – 04:00 pm on 27th this month at Truth Assembly, Balintuma rd, Nakulabye, Kampala. In The Relationships Seminar, you’ll step beyond what you can strategize or figure out. You’ll discover Biblical Marriage Commitment, God’s Purpose for Marriage, a possibility of being related independent of your past, your expectations, your preferences, or your views—a dimension more powerful than personality or circumstance—a dimension where relationships can become an occasion for creativity, vitality, intimacy, and self-expression.

Seminar Topics for Couples:

  • Finding Mr. or Mrs. Right (for dating/engaged couples)
  • A Church’s Responsibility to Singles (Never Married & Divorcees)
  • Biblical Marriage Commitment
  • God’s Purpose for Marriage
  • Critical Warning Signs for Your Marriage
  • Communicating with God
  • Effectively Communicating with Your Spouse (Five Love Languages)
  • Forgiveness & Letting Go (includes Five Languages of Apology)
  • Correctly Handling Conflict Leads to Intimacy
  • Managing Our Money Well Together (Marriage and Money)
  • Roles and Responsibilities (Who Is Going to Clean the Toilet?)
  • Experiencing Mutual Sexual Fulfillment
  • The Kiss of Death—the Secret Sin of Pornography
  • Affair-Proofing Your Marriage
  • Why God Hates Divorce (God Does Not Hate Divorced People)
  • Making Your Present Marriage Your Last One
  • Complimenting Your Spouse
  • Managing Marriage/Family & Career/Ministry
  • What to Do When All Hell Breaks Loose
  • Before the Fight Begins
  • Leaving A God-Pleasing Legacy
  • Discovering Your Spouse’s and Your Top Relational Needs

Having the Marriage You Always Wanted Seminar Topics:

  • Finding Mr. or Mrs. Right (for dating/engages couples)
  • A Church’s Responsibility to Singles (Never Married & Divorcees)
  • Biblical Marriage Commitment
  • Why Marriage (God’s Perspective)?
  • Critical Warning Signs for Your Marriage
  • Communicating with God
  • Effectively Communicating with Your Spouse (Five Love Languages)
  • Forgiveness & Letting Go (includes Five Languages of Apology)
  • Correctly Handling Conflict Leads to Intimacy
  • Managing Our Money Well (Marriage and Money)
  • Roles and Responsibilities (Who Is Going to Clean the Toilet?)
  • Experiencing Mutual Sexual Fulfillment
  • The Kiss of Death—the Secret Sin of Pornography
  • Affair-Proofing Your Marriage
  • Why God Hates Divorce (God Does Not Hate Divorced People)
  • Making Your Present Marriage Your Last One
  • Complimenting Your Spouse
  • Managing Marriage/Family & Career/Ministry
  • What to Do When All Hell Breaks Loose
  • Before the Fight Begins
  • Leaving A God-Pleasing Legacy
  • Learning Your Spouse’s and Your Top Relational Needs
  • Six Practices That Will Revolutionize Your Marriage

Come one come all and be ready to be Blessed.

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