Opportunity To Change Situations

Truth Devotion By Pastor Tom Amanya 23/11/2022

Opportunity To Change Situations Change Situations

Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching there unto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints (Ephesians 6:18).

Someone said that the only ingredient for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing. This is true especially because some Christian folks “try” to make God responsible for what is actually their responsibility.

But the authority to change things on the earth has been delegated to us. We have the responsibility of changing things, and one way of doing this is through prayer.

The Bible shows us consequences of not taking responsibility. Herod had arrested James, the brother of John. May be the church thought Herod doesn’t know the anointing in James, and did nothing.

Suddenly they were told that James had been killed. While they were still wondering, news came in that Peter had been arrested. Then the disciples knew that they had to do something: “Peter therefore was kept in prison: but prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto God for him” (Acts 12:5).

And as they prayed, Peter was miraculously set free by an angel (Acts 12:7). Oh, that means, if they had taken on early responsibility, James wouldn’t have been killed.

Learn to take up your responsibility of prayer. You don’t have to wait for evil to strike before you learn how to pray and cause changes in the Name of Jesus. God has given you the dominion and the authority to alter the course of events in the earth.

It’s your responsibility, not His! Enjoy your priestly Ministry.

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