Of Happiness

Truth Devotion By Pastor Tom Amanya March 22, 2023

Of Happiness Happiness |

If you want to enjoy life and wish to see good times, you must keep from speaking evil and stop telling lies. You must turn away from evil and do good; you must strive for peace with all your heart (1 Peter 3:10-11 GNB).

As God’s children, His plan for us is to be happy and live a glorious life every minute of your twenty-four hours each day, irrespective of the happenings around you, and He shows us how!

This takes living by the Word. The Word of God unveils the fundamental principles of success that you can act upon for a God-centred fulfilling life. For example, our opening scripture is very clear on how to have a blissful life.

In The Living Bible translation, it reads, “If you want a happy, good life, keep control of your tongue, and guard your lips from telling lies. Turn away from evil and do good. Try to live in peace even if you must run after it to catch and hold it” (1 Peter 3:10-11 TLB). Thus, the requirement for having the good life is very clear!

Do you want a wonderful life? It’s up to you! keep away from evil and do good; live peaceably with everybody. Practise this. God is giving you the recipe for a successful life, a life that’s filled with joy and good things.

Your life will be beautiful, fulfilling, inspiring and excellent if you’d live by the Word. His Word is so simple, yet has the power to produce what it says. It’s your instruction manual for life, the light that guides you in righteousness, glory and victory.

1 Thessalonians 5:16 says, “Rejoice always.” Put this to work in your life. Be full of joy always (Nehemiah 8:10). This is the recipe for a happy life!

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