MISSIONS (Crusades & Conferences)

Our MISSIONS (crusades and conferences) are normally for 3 days with conferences taking place during the day to strengthen believers. The crusades take place in the evenings where altar calls are given and those who choose to accept can give their lives to Christ Jesus. The sick are also prayed for at the crusade ground for healing. The Mission normally ends with an overnight on Friday night where we mostly do worship and prayer. Those who would like to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit are also normally prayed for in this overnight and the demon-possessed delivered. We normally work with local churches to ensure follow-up and discipleship of new converts and other believers.

Most of these missions are sponsored by Truth Assembly mostly; but the host local churches provide the venue and may contribute to the feeding where they can. The aim is to win souls as well as strengthening the local churches. The doctrine taught in these Missions is mostly foundational since most churches are set in places that don’t have access to constant outreach support. The work done I these missions has been tremendous. Many have got saved, many have received healing and delivered, and many have been baptized in the Holy Spirit. We give God the glory for this wonderful work.

If God is leading you to partner with us, please find our numbers on the page where you could begin to correspond or contribute with us. You could send money to our mobile numbers on the page and the names provided. Please make sure to leave a message so that we can keep updating you about the change your contribution is making. We are currently working on our PayPal account to make it easier for you to send your seed or partnership offering.

Mission to Iganga

We did crusades and door-to-door evangelism. We worked with the local church in Iganga town. More than 100 people received salvation, and many others were healed and baptized in the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues.

Mission to Mayuge

This was a 3 days crusades where the Lord God did mighty work. The deaf and mute were healed. Many people got saved especially Muslims. The conference ended with an overnight on Friday night in which many more were healed and baptized in the Spirit of God.

Mission to Luuka

This was a mighty and powerful Mission in coordination with the local church. Many were healed and many gave their lives to Jesus. So many demon-possessed people were delivered by the power of the Holy Spirit. The church was taught and strengthened in the name of Jesus Christ with the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, and also clothes were given out to the needy local people as a contribution to their well-being. The Mission ended with an overnight on Friday night. This was also a Muslim stronghold like many places in Eastern Uganda.

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