Mission To Busunju

Time to win souls for Chrit Jesus for Chrit Jesus

This season, we’re heading to Busunju District to proclaim the word of God. This Mission comprises of crusades and conferences for 3 days from 14th to 16th September to impact in the lives the people there. As our Lord Jesus says, “….., Go into the world and preach the gospel to all creation…..” (Mark 16:15-16)

The aim of this Mission is to win souls as well as strengthening the local churches. The doctrine that will be taught in this Mission is mostly foundational since most churches are set in places that don’t have access to constant outreach support. The hand of the Lord God will be at work in people’s lives. Many will be saved and give their lives to Jesus Christ, many will receive healing and deliverance, and many will be baptized in the Holy Spirit.

If God is leading you to partner with us, please find our numbers on the page where you could begin to correspond or contribute with us. You can send money to our mobile numbers (+256-7870292347 / +256-757893808) and the names provided are “Natukunda Maria“. Please make sure to leave a message so that we can keep updating you about the change your contribution is making. We are currently working on our PayPal account to make it easier for you to send your seed or partnership offering.

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