God’s Divine Providence

Truth Assembly Devotion By Pastor Tom Amanya 26/07/2022

Of Divine Providence@@Of Divine Providence

Go to the ant, thou sluggard consider her ways, and be wise: Which having no guide, overseer, or ruler, Provideth her meat in the summer, [and] gathereth her food in the harvest (Proverbs 6:6-8).
The Greek word for providence is “pronoia”  which connotes foreseeing; a foresight that seeks to meet a need. Providence therefore isn’t just a place of foresight but a place that seeks to meet a need. There cannot be provision without vision.
God provides for what you saw. If you plan to be rich and influential, you must work with vision. YOU OUGHT TO BE A VISION ENTITY AND NOT A BUDGET ENTITY. Budgets explain what is on the ground and not what must be accomplished. The budget may flop but you must keep the vision.
The wisdom of the ant helps us understand that every harvest has a provision and every provision has a pre-vision. The ant has food in summer. There are people who are anointed to bless the work of God. They will never preach; but will support the ministries. Those kinds of people will have money and know what to use it for. 
To them, any amount they have is a harvest. They have to provide for it before it comes. Such a man cannot give ordinarily when he knows that what he has is a harvest. He cannot minister like a normal man. He’ll not be faithful to just a tenth as tithe because he has a vision for the harvest. He’ll do more than tithe; more than a tenth.
You’ll never have enough until you learn to provide for it. Your vision is enough. Where there is no vision, the people perish (Proverbs 29:18). The beginning of every work is with a vision. When you know what you are going to be and what you are going to earn, you respond in a particular manner because you know where you are going. 
Praise the Name of the Lord Jesus.

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