Believe The Truth Always

Truth Devotion By Pastor Tom Amanya January 25, 2023

Believe The Truth Always Truth Always |

Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth (John 17:17).

One of the easiest ways a Christian can yield to demonic influences is by believing and acting upon lies. For example, you received the Holy Spirit by receiving the truth of the Gospel of Christ. You received Christ when you believed God’s Word. You believed and accepted the words of the Gospel, and Christ took up His abode in your heart.

Similarly, demons take up their abode in people when such people accept and believe lies. When Satan entices people with lies, he comes through those lies into their lives and continues influencing them. That’s the reason when someone believes a lie, he starts behaving abnormally.

And it all depends on the lie he may have believed and the particular spirit that’s peddling that lie. When that spirit gets comfortable in such a person, he brings in other demons, and then that person’s condition worsens.

But as you learn and live by the Word, you’re able to take your stand against satanic influences and manipulations. You’re able to judge everything with the truth of God’s Word. Don’t accept lies.

Believe only in the truth. But how can you identify truth? Truth blesses and uplifts. Truth makes you grow, fills you with love, and makes you walk and talk like Christ! Truth promotes you and promotes those who are with you; it doesn’t bring confusion, and it carries no hate or bitterness with it. Truth is light. Glory to God!

Believe the truth always!

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