Answer Your New Name

Truth Devotion By Pastor Tom Amanya July 31, 2023

Answer Your New Name New Name

Neither shall your name any more be called Abram, but your name shall be Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made you (Genesis 17:5).

Abram means ‘exalted or assumed father’ and Abraham means ‘father of nations or multitude.’ God named Abraham according to what He had already predestined him to be: “…for a father of many HAVE I MADE YOU.” What God calls you is what He has already made you. He doesn’t call you by a promise; He speaks according to the finished work! That’s why He is The Truth.

The Bible says that Abraham glorified God (Romans 4:20) for the Word and told every body his new Name. His friends may have laughed, but as far as he was concerned, God had said it and it was a completed deal. Everytime Abraham said, “I am Abraham,” he was calling things that be not as though they already were (Romans 4:17). He didn’t deny that he was aged but he answered to his new Name. That’s how you appropriate the blessings of salvation; you don’t speak according to your senses but the Word. That’s faith!

The Holy Spirit through Prophet Isaiah spoke, “And the Gentiles shall see your righteousness, and all kings your glory.: and you shall be called by a new name, which the mouth of the Lord shall name” (Isaiah 62:2). You’re to proclaim what God names you. Your name is your destiny. The name you answer is a confession. Jacob became a swindler and deceiver (Genesis 32:27-28) because his name meant so.

The Lord has named us. He calls us the New Creation, the glory of God, the light of the world and salt of the earth. He says Christ is in us, and divinity has found abode/residence in us. He says we are the righteousness of God in Christ, we are justified, glorified and sanctified. Notice, we’re not going to be; He has already made us. We were born that way! Hallelujah.

Today, endorse and accept what He calls you. Speak it with boldness; thats your confession. That’s faith!

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