Be Zealous and hold fast to what you have

Truth Devotion By Pastor Tom Amanya May 24, 2023

Of Zeal Zeal |

Only hold fast to what you have until I come (Revelation 2:25 AMP).

Hebrews 12:15 GNB says, “Guard against turning back from the grace of God. Let no one become like a bitter plant that grows up and causes many troubles with its poison.” In other words, consciously protect your heart from becoming bitter and consequently losing your excitement about the things of God.

Some folks allow anger, jealousy or bitterness to restrain their zeal in ministering to others. Others withdraw because a brother or sister offended them. In the end, they affect their faith. But this is not God’s will for anybody. You should not stop winning souls or become cold about the things of God because someone offended you.

The privileges of service we have in the house of God are sacrosanct; don’t take them lightly. You’ve been endowed with the ability and grace to lead people to Christ, unveiling to them the mysteries of the Kingdom; keep at it. There’s a crown of glory awaiting you at the end. What an honour!

There are so many opportunities presented to us on a daily that challenge our faith and confession. Don’t let your environment cause you to think otherwise. Nothing should take your focus off the Master; He’s all that truly matters. Declare your love for Him and your passion for the Gospel.

The Bible says those that turn many to righteousness shall shine as stars forever (Daniel 12:3). Keep shining evermore in leading many to Christ. Let it be your life’s work and priority.

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2 thoughts on “Be Zealous and hold fast to what you have

  1. Thank you so much for always admonishing is in the things of God.
    God bless and favor you always.
    In Jesus’name

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